One of my favourite date of a year.
Saengil chukahamnida
Saengil Chukahamnida
Saranghaneun uri Minho
Saengil Chukahamnidaaaa :'>
Happy Birthday Minho
I wish you a very lovely party. How I wish I could be there. Yeah but still we MET on your birthday rite? We met. Thank you Music Bank's PD. But please after this, let Minho celebrate his birthday with his family. I'm soooo butthurt already. Not a single person wish him on Mubank. I mean, you guys are sooo mean >< At least chant him a birthday song can ah? I want to hear it on tv T____T
Gwaenchana, to me. Today I met Minho already. So cute so handsome so charming with that suit Minho yah ! No worries you are still handsome even when wearing a loose shirt and jeans :) Flamers dont mind because we love you just the way you are. Froggie, happy birthdayyyyy baby!
- Thank you for always been there in my heart, my mind, my life. LOL! WHATT -..-
- Thank you for creating my smile eventhough its not as charming as yours. Yeah I'm breathing hardly when you smile. You frog.
- Thank you for
turned me oneverytime you rap. HAHAHA OKAY THIS IS REAL KIDDING OKAY. - Thank you for being MINHO. I dont know what to say because you are just too wooooo Minho ! LOL !
Happy Birthday to a boy ...
- Who tall enough to reach the highest cabinet

- Who trains hard enough to try out for the olympics

- Who always cling to his hyungs. You hyungwhore -..-
- Who have the highest body temperature. OMG *___*
- Who constantly try his hardest to be a national dad. Yoogeunnie :'>
- Who is the king of airport fashion. No one can beat his airport style I tell you.

- Who put his all into singing.

- Who is most competitive in everything. I'm telling the truth.

- Who apparently great with everything as long as it includes BALL :D

- Who has the most loveliest smile on earth. Keep smiling like this, will you?

- Who has the most froggie big eyes. You freaky frog Minho. LOL!

- Who got the most cutest pout. Aigooo

- Who looks the best in suit :)

- Who like it when ppl said he's handsome. Okay Minho, you are so handsome. Like it?

- Who says he cant live without his SHINee

- Who laugh the loudest. lmao!

- Who has the most awkward selfcam -........-

Who is Choi Minho of SHINee that make all Flamers and Shawols happy :)
Signing out,
A Happy Flamer Captain Aiminho
credit to : generalcharisma.tumblr.com Thanks babe!
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